67 Year Old
From Kansas City, MO·
Joined on October 31, 2009
Relationship status: Widowed
Born on July 12th
·3 referrals joined!
6 different people have a crush on me!
I am a lady first and foremost, I come on here to meet people and have fun. I am not interested in seeing your nude pictures, or chatting about sex with you. I am not looking for a boyfriend or hook up I am on here to make friends and have fun.
If I send you a gift or a bling it is because I feel like it, I do not expect anything in return.
I am 5'2" and just as round ... If you cannot love me for me.. oh well....get over it... it's your loss. Terri says I am a curvacious, full figured woman.. ok then..BFF's you got to love em... my description is short and plump, I do like hers better though. LOL, she is right I do have curves...
I can be a little spitfire when provoked...Takes a lot to get me mad but when you do stand back...My Portuguese temper comes out and I go at you in full throttle and...as expected my mouth can get me in a wee bit of trouble..
I have made some fantastic friends on here.. Truly wonderful caring people. Who da thunk it....but I have and Thank you...
So there you go, that is me. I love life, love, family, friends, and sports. Don't bug me during a Chiefs game, I will give you that look and throw something at ya... LUVVVVVVVVV my Chiefs...
Hum about me... one thing I believe in honesty.... I don't lie so don't lie to me... But if you ask me something remember I am honest so you may not like what I say..
I love life and believe, laughter is the best medicine... How can you be mad, upset, or depressed if you laugh...
Have I made mistakes... yes tons... but I have learned to get over them, learn from them and move on... I believe in forgiveness... For I have asked for my share of forgiveness....
Let me add again, I have found some wonderful friends on here awesome in fact. I will say this, NO I do not have NSFW and never will so don't ask, I do not web cam so don't ask, If you get rude or say something inappropriate I will block you in a New York minute... I will not be rude to you and ask you to do the same for me. Respect goes both ways...I do love to laugh and joke around and new friends are always welcome.... (h)
67 Year Old
From Kansas City, MO·
Joined on October 31, 2009
Relationship status: Widowed
Born on July 12th
·3 referrals joined!
6 different people have a crush on me!
Latest Status
KC Linda Sorry I haven't been on for a while been ill. July 18 I had brain surgery, they put a stent in my brain. I guess I was walking around with a brain aneurysm for a while... Who da thunk it.... But back to work and taking a day at a time... I am doing well...
JuSt dEb For those who don't know, Linda has passed away. She passed at 12:15 last night. She has been very sick since suffering her brain aneurysm. Her body just gave out. She asked to be removed from all life support, and told her daughter she is tired of fighting. God Bless you Linda, and safe travels home