Alan Parsoms Project, Patrick O'Hearn, Boston, Bruce Hornsby & the Range, and thats just the start. I have a plethora of music in my library. To me, there is music for every mood.
Edward Scissorhands, Tripping the rift, Being Human, and a whole bunch more
CSI: SVU, Lie to me, food channel, travel channel, sci-fi channel
I don't read books, they put me to sleep, however, I do read everything else, like operating instructions..LOL
Roller Blading, Tennis, Bicycle Riding. I don't watch any sports.
Computers, PC Games, Nutrition (vitamins)
To avoid disappointments, I don't have dreams. I am just grateful for all that I have in my life.
Gas Powered Remote Control Cars, Remote Control Helicopters, Remote Control Boats, and soon, Remote Control Airplanes.
Favorite Beverages:
Capri Sun, Coke, Water
Favorite Games (pc):
DESCENT 3, F.E.A.R. Far Cry, Serious Sam, Doom, Trackmania, NFSU, Half Life, Mirrors Edge, Call of Duty,
Favorite Quote:
"A wise monkey never monkeys with another monkey's monkey. "
Favorite Joke:
Men use restrooms for purely biological reasons. Women use restrooms as social lounges. Men in a restroom will never speak a word to each other. Never in the history of the world has a man excused himself from a restaurant table by saying, "Hey Stan, I was just about to go to the bathroom. Do you want to join me"?
Favorite Statement:
Change is not made without inconvenience
My Dislikes:
(1)Negative (pessimistic)people (2)People who do not have pictures are hiding something.
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