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59 Year Old · Male · From Mt Vernon, AR · Joined on October 10, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 9th
59 Year Old · Male · From Mt Vernon, AR · Joined on October 10, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 9th

Hi there. I'm just a regular old fun loving guy. I like to do lots of things, but I think I'll tell you a little about me as a person first. After all, there are lots of folks out there who like to do the same things I do, but I sure wouldn't want to be stuck with all of them full time. (Just saying. Smile2.gif

Before I go any further, let me make this clear.... I am 49. I'm a grown man. I'm a father of two, I'm a grandfather, I've been a husband, I've worked my ass off since I was old enough to & still do, I've lived, & I will until I can't. I make the most of what God gave me & I carry myself as well as I possibly can. Upon close inspection, the life I have lived so far is evident. No defects. I've just lived for 49 years & it shows sometimes. If you're not ready for that, stop here.

If you're still here... I'm a country boy (in the process) at heart. I have a strong mind, some might even say stubborn, and a true heart, which I'm very protective of. I'm faithful at all costs. I've made a few mistakes and have a few regrets. I've hurt people & have been hurt (but I learned). I don't judge & won't be judged till I stand before God. I keep an open mind, but I am not easily influenced. I'm a blue jeans kinda guy, but I might surprise you once in awhile. I'm kind of picky. I laugh every chance I get, especially at the stupid stuff. I hold doors open for the elderly, or women. I say please, thank you, yes sir, & yes ma'am. I pray before I get things that is to be expected (like food). I think you have to give respect to get it, and you have to earn trust. I believe that actions speak louder than words. I'm not special, I'm just me. I've got problems just like you do, but they do make me who I am... They're just a part of life that we have to deal with while we're living. I have some old fashioned beliefs, and some that have been altered over time. All in all... I love with all I've got, I work hard and take care of mine, I play hard and enjoy the life God gave me, and I don't really need much. I do want, however...

What do I want? It's really very simple actually, but harder to find than you'd think. I'm looking for a woman that I'm attracted to, there is nothing wrong with saying that. Attraction is a very important part of a good relationship. Attraction is not just about appearance either, although that does matter. The woman I meet will catch my eye and hold it effortlessly, and she can look straight into (my eyes) and know this. She is honest, hard working, faithful, fun. She screws up on a regular basis, but nothing serious, and even if it was, she always makes it right(or at least asks me to help fix it), after all this is a partnership. She never hurt's me or makes me wonder. She is just a real woman that wants a real man, and she knows how to treat one (as will I treat her). She will give what I will, and will enjoy so much more, as it should be. She is a local woman (within driving distance, at least on the weekend) that I will live, love, laugh, and share the rest of my life with.

59 Year Old · Male · From Mt Vernon, AR · Joined on October 10, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 9th
Alan Parsoms Project, Patrick O'Hearn, Boston, Bruce Hornsby & the Range, and thats just the start. I have a plethora of music in my library. To me, there is music for every mood.
Edward Scissorhands, Tripping the rift, Being Human, and a whole bunch more
CSI: SVU, Lie to me, food channel, travel channel, sci-fi channel
I don't read books, they put me to sleep, however, I do read everything else, like operating instructions..LOL
Roller Blading, Tennis, Bicycle Riding. I don't watch any sports.
Computers, PC Games, Nutrition (vitamins)
To avoid disappointments, I don't have dreams. I am just grateful for all that I have in my life.
Gas Powered Remote Control Cars, Remote Control Helicopters, Remote Control Boats, and soon, Remote Control Airplanes.
Favorite Beverages:
Capri Sun, Coke, Water
Favorite Games (pc):
DESCENT 3, F.E.A.R. Far Cry, Serious Sam, Doom, Trackmania, NFSU, Half Life, Mirrors Edge, Call of Duty,
Favorite Quote:
"A wise monkey never monkeys with another monkey's monkey. "
Favorite Joke:
Men use restrooms for purely biological reasons. Women use restrooms as social lounges. Men in a restroom will never speak a word to each other. Never in the history of the world has a man excused himself from a restaurant table by saying, "Hey Stan, I was just about to go to the bathroom. Do you want to join me"?
Favorite Statement:
Change is not made without inconvenience
My Dislikes:
(1)Negative (pessimistic)people (2)People who do not have pictures are hiding something.

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