34 Year Old
From Carencro, LA·
Joined on October 6, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 7th
hiii..my name is hillary and im 17..i go to school and i enjoy itt..well this is the thing i dont like drama nd i hate messy girls..so dont come my way,or you can get the fuck off my page..im easy to get along with,and im out going i like to chill with my friends nd just sitt down nd chill.i dont take shit from nobody.another thing is that im bisexual nd i dont care what ppl think about me..like it my problem not yours so get over it i dont care what ppl think of me.im me not you ill put my self out like i wantt..wantt to knoe more just message me..kthnks
34 Year Old
From Carencro, LA·
Joined on October 6, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 7th
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