44 Year Old
Joined on October 5, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 11th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
I am abit timmed at first till i get to know some one. but once u get to know me we can have alot of fun. i dont realy open up to very meney people due to past life exsperiences. i am a very complex simple man. spent most of my adult life in a relationship and been single for just over 2 years now. would love to chat with any one. I will give anyone a chance. so if u want to chat throw me a PM or somthing.
44 Year Old
Joined on October 5, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 11th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
Im interssted in most sports. but i dont falow them closely. i would rasther play than watch. i realy like soccer and vally ball. im also into bicking and hiking. i love to play billards (pool) and hang out with friends. i also like watching movies but couldnt cair less about the acters in it as long as its a good movie. I like to cook at home and eat out once in a wile. i hate fast food with the exseptoin of sub shops.
I like to listen to almost all kinds of music. It all depends on my mood. I realy like old rock like Zepplin and the doors. Im also a big fan of Nervana, Rage, and Korn. but have been known to listen to alot of county music. so nomatter what kind of music u r in to im sure there is a band we have in comon.
I like movies about oldertimes. like kights and kings. ex Lord of the rings and Troy. i also like pirot movies. Im also big im to action movies and cop movies. but my favorot thing to watch is stand up comedy.
Video Games
I have had most major game systems from the atari up till the Xbox 360. i used to play alot of racing games and some rpg. now im big in to fist person shooter. i dont realy play much any more alone. but love to spend hrs on end with friends when i have the time. i also like games os stadigy and consintration.
Latest Status
boxdiver awww no body likes me anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi there my new friend! I just came by to thank you for stopping by my page by leaving some Big Girl Luv on yours, so I rated and fanned you while I was here. I hope you are having an amazing week! Lots of Curvy Hugs and Luv for you. xoxoxo~Synful Syntra~