Life for a woman is anything but simple, let alone easy. Everyday there are various societal forces that push and pull us in multiple directions along with the simultaneous pressure to conform to what is considered "normal". That's among the many reasons why young women tend to turn to fashion, modeling, weekly trends, and the opposite sex as an additional avenue in which to gain a "sense of self" on a day to day basis. However, you do have your small clusters of young women who devote an endless amount of time and energy into something more concrete, promising, and most importantly something that taps into the essence of who they really are, or what they have become. Well....I just so happen to fall in that small cluster. So, in order for me to avoid certain societal forces, I remain *FOCUSED*! But yeah o.k that's it. Much LUV! 1~Sweet*Like*Shicka
Joined on October 3, 2009
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