coheed and cambria , kings of leon, H.I.M., the cure, otep, prizefighter inferno,the veer union, made out of babies, mary magdalan, the whigs, we are scientists, kill hannah, siouxsie and the banshees, CKY, nine inch nails, genitorturers,g.g.allin, flyleaf, flickerstick, detachment kit, primus, three, neutral milk hotel,rancid, the cranes, switchblade symphony, abandoned pools, orbital, brainiac, crystal method, funeral for a friend, the used, the start, rainer maria, kmfdm, marilyn manson, misfits, afi, nirvana, ani difranco,system of a down, bitch and animal, the distillers, yeah yeah yeahs, cursive, modest mouse, lords of acid, jane's addiction, , otep, kittie, my life with the thrill kill kult, concrete blonde, violent femmes, lemonheads, shakespear's sister, hole, courtney love, murmurs, my ruin, 30 seconds to mars, crisis,eyes set to kill, at the drive in,