62 Year Old
From Collinsville, VA·
Invited by: 3453117·
Joined on August 29, 2009
Born on March 23rd
I have a crush on someone!
62 Year Old
From Collinsville, VA·
Invited by: 3453117·
Joined on August 29, 2009
Born on March 23rd
I have a crush on someone!
Latest Status
KinnaKaye It's another wonder-Fu-l Day in the Fu-Neighborhood. Love me some Fu-Friends. Happy Friday Everyone. Anyone know how I can get one of my pics Morphed? Who can do this?
XSandmanX happy late birthday sweetie hugs and kisses
KinnaKaye your such a doll....tyty....sending hugz for a fabulous Friday....and a lick on the tip of your nose for the weekend....(yeah, I brushed my teeth first...*giggles*)
Hope you are having a good start to the New Year............polarHello, glad to have you for a friend, please do not be a stranger................polar