48 Year Old
Invited by: hotmama·
Joined on August 27, 2009
Born on January 1st
2 different people have a crush on me!
Ok, lets see.
#1 I don't care in the least about "the fubar game," I'm really only here to hopefully connect with a few people.. to the extent to which where you are in the game effects this.. sure.. a few points are nice.. but really.. I don't care..
On the subject of connecting.. and.. well, women
I suffer from an anxiety disorder.. which makes meeting women terribly difficult for me.. but the good news is the internet tends to de anxieties that stuff.. but still I feel a little shy..
"what is he looking for?"
So many women seem to.. complain that all men are just looking for sex. There's a couple of things I would say to this.. first, what do you mean "just sex?" You don't mean to tell me that you don't think sex is the end all and be all of life?!!! ;-)
Ok, fine.. I'm willing to humor you.. on your crazy idea that there might be more to life then sex...
So the thing is.. sex is like this really crazy powerful force, right? Err, ok, I'll come right out and say it.. I have a bit of a bad weakness for the sorta aggressive bad girl type.. which can lead me into situations that.. if I were in my right mind.. I might not willingly go.. ( I think it was Luther, that Protestant Christan guy, who said to sin boldly as through sin comes wisdom, and only through sin do you come to need the grace of God, so what the hell, lets sin boldly but... )
Ok.. so what happens if we take the sex out of this equation, hmm? One way or another my attention still needs to be attracted.. so what else attracts me?
INTELLIGENCE! Ladies.. I know you won't believe me but I don't give a F%$K what you look like.. if you can hold a conversation.. and its a good conversation.. I want to talk to you.. end of story.
Heart and Soul: Look.. again you might not believe me.. but there are a lot of really attractive women out there.. that if.. god for bid.. you ever had to have a conversation with, or get to know.. a little.. you'd think them ugly as sin.. cause what's on the inside DOES count.. and some ladies are shallow little.. well I wont use the words I'm thinking of.. So.. I really don't give a crap how freaking crazy hot you are.. if you don't got heart and soul.. you're kinda not a real women to me.
errr take it a way Curtis....
can you dig that..
but of course none of that is to suggest that at heart.. I'm not unspeakably deprived.. I mean.. you know what I mean?
Err, crap.. I just realized I didn't say anything about me!!!
Ok, so about me..
Here's the deal.. I'm AMAZING, but it can take a little while for you to figure that out.. but um.. so like I'm.. smart, talented, (I'm an artist, I make music, design, video production, whatever).. I'm well read.. I care about people.. have ambitions of being a good person so that I might be a light in this world.. and all that kinda stuff..
Umm... err... what else?
Yeah.. those last few lines might lead you to under appreciate how black my heart really is! (why doesn't anyone believe me about that?)
Err.. I suppose when it comes to love and sex I'm full of vices.. or something.. or sometimes I feel like a closet nympho.. or.. well.. appetites can get the better of me..
Err.. I don't know.. I have wide interests.. I guess I'll just leave it at that
48 Year Old
Invited by: hotmama·
Joined on August 27, 2009
Born on January 1st
2 different people have a crush on me!
art, music, culture, psychology, philosophy, business, politics, history, photography, technology, and on and on and on
Oh, first I should probably share this video I made about what's going on in my life right now;
if you're going to rock, might as well do it right
I'm not a big Metalica fan, but they do a mean and whole in the sky.. and hey look, isn't that Ozz's old bass player?
should you happening to being feeling religious, this is always a favorite: