Joined on August 21, 2009
Born on January 1st
My name is Tricia, you can call me Trish. My husband and I met in 2001 while he was visiting Hawaii, I was serving in the Army there. We got married a year later in February 2002. Shortly after we got married, he was deployed to Afghanistan. Early 2003, he was deployed to Iraq for five months. I had our first and only son, Joseph, on September 23, 2003 at 9:20 pm. He weighed 8 lbs 3 oz 20 1/2 inches long. My husband was then shipped back to Iraq in July. He was killed in Iraq in August 2004.
Joined on August 21, 2009
Born on January 1st
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Tricia Be back later. Will post more photos when I get back