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36 Year Old · Male · From Houston, TX · Joined on August 20, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 5th
36 Year Old · Male · From Houston, TX · Joined on August 20, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 5th

Alright once again I'm finally writing this thing acting like a sales man on crack...eeeeeh

What can I really say about myself I'm a social animal for the most part I love being out and around people. I'm a little limited by my vehicle and a little lack of cash but I make due. I do decent amount when it comes to art such as writing, photo manipulation, photography, and I'm trying to get back into music. I'm known for being funny, smart, logical, and dependable in all levels. I'm also originally from Reston Virginia and being a complete hopeless romantic I agree with their slogan "Virginia is for lovers." I ended up moving here due to my life falling apart and a slight forceful push from my father and brother. I like trying to keep active and making the best out of situations I never let things get me down. But even though I sound like a very uplifting upbeat guy I also have a bit of a dark side. I'm very fond of the goth side of things, I have a very morbid sense of humor, and kinda have a failing hope for humanity. But for the most part the only stuff that really comes out are the first two lol. But hey what can I say (not being too cocky) I think I'm a great guy.

36 Year Old · Male · From Houston, TX · Joined on August 20, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 5th
I prefer Rock, Metal, Death Metal, some rap, and things with just plainly good beat or feel. Such as Offspring, System of a Down, Guns N' Roses, Nightwish, A Perfect Circle, Creed, KMFDM, Five finger Death Punch, One eyed doll, Stars, Bo Burnham, Stephen Lynch, Metallica, Marlyn Manson, Mindless Self Indulgence, Zeromancer, Chasetisement, Nickelback, Disturbed, Godsmack, P.O.D, Tool, Slipknot, Nirvana, Seether, Avenged Sevenfold, Mud Vein, Linkin Park, Seal, Afroman, Eminem, Oomph, Lordi, Blue October, Korn, Lacuna Coil, Tonic, Sonata Arctica, and lots more.
Scott pilgrim vs. the world, Scrubs, Supernatural, Monty Python, Across the Universe, V for Vendetta, Batman, The Green Mile, A Knights Tale, Dark Knight, The Bucket List, SAW movies, Constantine, Jumpers, Under Cover Blues, Braveheart, Memento, Army of Darkness, Idle hands, Dexter, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Anything with Adam Sandler, and Boondocks Saints. I love a lot of movies its honestly way to damn much to list.
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