66 Year Old
From Virden, IL·
Invited by: KitKat·
Joined on August 10, 2009
Born on March 20th
Priorities: Country, Family, Self. Nearly all kinds of music other than modern jazz, rap and stuff so loud it is not understandable. Prefer classical and relaxation music, German music of the 70's, 80's, and bagpipes. Photography and writing is fun. Not profitable, but fun.
66 Year Old
From Virden, IL·
Invited by: KitKat·
Joined on August 10, 2009
Born on March 20th
Latest Status
vegcook24 Why is life so disappointing? You work and struggle and still can't get ahead. French guillotine expert after being laid off.
do me a favor, please take down the picture of me.... i do not approve! a appreciate all you and yours have done for me in my life, but i seriously dislike that pic, and you know it!