51 Year Old
Joined on July 18, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on June 25th
Well hello... So what is it you want to know about me? I reckon for starters unless you are one in a million baby you probly couldnt handle me. But on the off chance you think you may be the one that can turn me around Lemmnysnickett somewhere in yahoo land is where ill be at if im on line.~
51 Year Old
Joined on July 18, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on June 25th
~I am what i am.Nothing more and nothing less.At least im real with that fact.If you cant accept it perhaps its becuse you cant accept yourself for who you are.No matter what it doesnt change the fact im still me.~
DEVILS ADVOCATE ~ Al Pachino plays ten foot tall and has some of the best mostprovocative devil scripts ive heard.~
Tomb Stone ~ Come on now who doesnt like Val Kilmores rendition of Doc Holliday... Ill be ya Huckle berry .~
I have no idols. Having idols means a lack of beleif in self, or the feeling that we as people need to work to acheive or dream to acheive some other standerd other than what we are. Im happy as who i am and who i will become as time progressess.