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Joined on May 21, 2009 · Born on November 30th
Joined on May 21, 2009 · Born on November 30th

Well, what can I say ?I am Fredric Owen,crazy about Art and antiques, living in the united kingdom.I am a funny guy..I like to smile and act right even though things are not smooth for me..The more I try to make people laugh,the more I discover something new in me......I love life and live life with everything it has to offer..I will not say I am not grateful for what It has offered me but I know I have not gotten to where I want to be yet....I am a positive guy..I like to plan ahead of anything....Don't like been caught up in a web.....

I am not perfect and I believe no one is too.I am punctual and like to listen to cool and slow music..cause it calms my nerves down after a hard day at work....I like to travel alot,I have been to so many places and I dare not say I have travelled alot....I like to help people in need cause I believe there is a reason for putting me where I am to be able to help and I am always glad that I am not the one begging....

I also believe in the word called LOVE and I know it makes people do what they don't believe they can do.I don't judge people from my past experience and I give everyone a benefit of a doubt .I have been married once and lost my wife to a fatal car crash 4 years ago we didn't have the time to make babies,I was so hurt that I stayed away from relationships and occupied myself with work to forget the painful memories but now I think I am ready to love again.I like watching romantic movies,comedy and mostly drama...a little bit of science fiction.I work out to keep fit..Playing football is one of them.I will come to a conclusion here that what makes up the world is different people with different character and I believe that we are made in one image and likeness.I also believe In long distance relationships and believe they can work over a predetermined period of time.

Well Like I always say life is too short for me to be playing games. I try to live my life honestly, treat every body with love and respect. I also believe when you do people wrong It comes back to you 10 times over. Just like most people, i have so much love to give but i have learnt over the years that In order for love to truly work both parties must give a 100% at all times. This means not letting any man/woman, any body or any thing get into my heart but your love. Believe it or not, this is the number one reason why people don’t stay together forever.

They let places, things and people come in between them.
i believe i have learnt how to be into who ever I am with. I want to enjoy coming home to that person each day and going no where else but home. I also think in order for love to work, there should be no third parties.
I believe i have said too much

Joined on May 21, 2009 · Born on November 30th

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