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34 Year Old · Male · From Elk Grove, CA · Joined on May 19, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 2nd
34 Year Old · Male · From Elk Grove, CA · Joined on May 19, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 2nd
34 Year Old · Male · From Elk Grove, CA · Joined on May 19, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 2nd
100 demons A Abaddon Incarnate Abigor Abominant Abyssic Hate Acerbus Acid Bath Acrid Semblance Ad Hominem Ad Noctem Aeternus Agathodaimon Akercocke Amen Amorphis Anal Blast Ancient Ancient Rites ...And Oceans AngelWhore Antichrist ARSIS Augury B Bal-Sagoth Barathrum Bathory Beheaded BEHEMOTH Beneath The Massacre BELPHEGOR Blackgoat Blind Guardian Blackstar Rising BLOOD Blood Bath Bloodduster Blood Ritual Bolt Thrower Borknagar Burial Hordes Burn The Priest Burzum C Cadaverous Condition Cage Camp Kill Yourself Cannibal Corpse Cannibal Whore Feast Carnal Forge Carphathian Forest Carphax Files Catamenia Catastrophic Chainsaws And Children Children Of Bodom Chimaira Christ Agony Christian Death Chrome Division Cradle Of Filth Crebain Criss Angel Crossbreed Crush 40 Cryptopsy D Daemonarch Dakrua Darkane Darkthrone Dark Tranquility Dargaard Dead Jesus Deadstar Assembly DeathDestruction DeathStars Decay Of Salvation Deeds of Flesh Deicide Decapitated Demension Zero Demigod Demiricous Despairs Ray Destroyer 666 DethKlok Devil Driver Diabolous Diabolic Die Difer Nom Basta Digitalis Purpurea Disgorge Dimmu Borgir Dir en Grey Dismemberment Dissection Dope Dope Stars Inc. Downthesun Draugar Dream Evil Dream Theatre Due le Quartz Duel Jewel Dying Fetus E Edge Of Sanity Emperor Enforsaken Engrave Entwine Eternal Tears Of Sorrow EvenFall Evergrey Exhumed F Facecage Five Finger Death Punch FleshGrind Frankenbok Frankenstein Dragqueens from Planet 13 G Gackt Ghost Machine GodDethroned God Forbid Goreinhaled Gorgasm Gorgoroth Grave Guns N' Roses H Hadan Haemorrhage Hammerfall Hate Hatescar Havoc Unit Hell Militia Heaven Shall Burn Hide Himsa HIM I Immolation Immortal Immortal Domination Implaled Incantation Incrust InHumanDolls Iniquity Internal Bleeding Instestinal Strangulation Insomnium Iron Maiden Iquinok J Jack Frost Janne Da Arc Jesus Martyr Jet Black Horror Joe Satriani John 5 Jungle Rot K Kagerou KidneyTheives Kilcrops Killswitch Engage KoldBorn KREATOR Krisiun L Lamb Of God L'AME IMMORTELLE L'Arc en Ciel Latro..us Legion Of Doom Lepra Lollipop Lust Kill London After Midnight Lordi M Makeshift-Romeo Malice Mizer Maniac Spider Trash Megadeth Meltdown Merrimack Miyavi Moi Dix Mois Morbid Morbid Angel Morte Incandescente Mortician Mortiferous Scorn Mötley Crüe Mummification Murderdolls MushroomHead Mykorrhiza My Sixth Shadow N NACHMYSTICISM Nachtmystium Nattvindens Grat Nazarene Nazgul NECRO Necrophagist Necrophobic Nevermore NightRage Nightwish Nile Norther Nothingface Novembre Nunwhore Nun Slaughter O Oathean Obituary Oblivion Obscurity Obsidian Gate Obskure Torture Obtained Enslavement Obtest Occult Oceans Of Sadness Old Man's Child Omnium Gatherum Opeth Oppressor Outworld P PainFace Pierrot Pissing Razors Psycho Le Cemu R Raism Ragnarok Requiem Requiem Aeternam Rigor Mortis Rob Zombie Ruins Of Eden S Sadus Satanic Warmaster Scar Symmetry Scars Of Tomorrow Schwarze Schnheit Sepultura Shadows Fall Sigh Sin Star Sister Kill Cycle six feet under Skid Row Skinlab Slaughter Of Souls SlipKnoT SoilWork Sol Asunder Sonic Syndicate Spineshank Spyder Baby Strapping Young Lad StrommoussHeld Suffocation Suffokate T T3CHN0PH0BIA The 69 Eyes The Archaic Terror The Berzerker The Black Dahlia Murder The Gathering The Kovenant The Kuntautkult The Red Chord Thyrane Tiburon Trashlight Vision Trokar U Under The Pagan Moon Unearth Ungod V Vader Ved Buens Ende Victims Of Internal Decay Vile Vivisect Vomit Remnants Vornagar W Walls Of Jericho Watain Wednesday13 Weeping Birth Wretched Asylum X X Japan Z Zard Zeromancer
Alexi Laiho, Rusty Cooley, Jun Senoue, Aliester Crowley, JerryC
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Dead Space, Gears of War, Gears of war 2,Devil May Cry(all), Elder Scrolls VII: Oblivion... And.. A hell of alot more.

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