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34 Year Old · Male · Joined on May 14, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 29th
34 Year Old · Male · Joined on May 14, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 29th

oh hey.
why don't you run away with me?
she's screaming for attention
caught in my line of sight
oh, you feel that it's so far gone now
so sick of these things that keep me here
run away just to have the feeling of being alone
how could i let you down?
how could i let these thoughts surround my judgement?
oh please don't let those fucking clouds break.

i'm gonna break you down
girl come with me
i'll show you what it means to be alive

throw your fucking arms around me
sieze this moment, never let go
my analogy of you
comparative to hope
girl why do you smell so good?
the scent that i'll never forget
i picture you still dancing in my head
your skin rubbed against me, and your breath beside my ear
i hear how you feel, how you take me for what i am
oh girl you're so relentless
take me, you've got me now.

yeah my name is alex.
i'm from riverside, so-cali 16_winksmile.gif
i'm in the US Air Force..currently going to technical school in mississippi and it sucks here.
hit me up sometime and we'll talk Smile2.gif

34 Year Old · Male · Joined on May 14, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 29th
music. writing.
ATTACK!ATTACK! BreathCarolina OWLcity DestroyTheRunner
andthentherewerenone foreverthesickestkids aftertheburial burythecasket autumnblack EMAROSA DANCEGAVINDANCE *AsILayDying* *Blessthefall* *InFearAndFaith* *TheHollyspringsDisaster* *ParkwayDrive* *MaydayParade* *Alesana* *AsBloodRunsBlack*
AugustBurnsRed TenSecondEpic PierceTheVeil BelayMyLast Elysia KillswitchEngage MychildMybride Choidos ADayToRemember ISetMyFriendsOnFire BoysLikeGirls TheBled EscapeTheFate LoveHateHero HopesDieLast TheSceneAesthetic TheSunstreak TheStartingLine DriverSideImpact FuneralForAFriend DarkestHour TheAlmost IAmGhost TheDevilWearsPrada TheBlackDahliaMurder Trivium EvergreenTerrace BetweenTheBuriedAndMe BringMeTheHorizon ThroughTheEyesOfTheDead TheHumanAbstract AllThatRemains AvengedSevenfold Atreyu UnderOath Vanna TakingBackSunday Emery AStaticLullaby IKilledThePromQueen DropDeadGorgeous SensesFail Saosin Sullivan BulletForMyValentine ProtestTheHero ScaryKidsScaringKids WithBrokenWings InkedInBlood

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