Live in northern Wis. out in the woods. Hunt, Fish, camp, make big outside fires, and oh yes Beer. Been a biker since age 14 (mini bikes) Now into the big boy bikes.Currently have the original Gold Wing 1975, complete full dress, and yes collectors plates. Kinda slowed down a bit after a deer hit 2 summers ago. Didnt tip over or get hurt but scared the S--- outta me..Married 4 kids, all grown. one in college. 7 grandkids, and im like totally lost here, new to this fubar thing,still trying to figgure it all out. please bear with me.Work full time as a machinist.4... 12 hour days monday-thursday. off every friday..Got no time during the week as im up at 3am, dont get home till around 6pm..then eat super and go sleep so i can do it again next day.Not sure i like it, think id rather work 5... 8 hour days.Spring has finally sprung here in northern Wi. Fishing season just opened. Going turkey hunting may 13,14,15,16, will soon be mowing once again, the lawn is comming back to life..then i need to start making firewood for my winter heat as well, like to get that done early so i can play all summer..(fish swimm camp bike beer)So please bear with me as i continue to figgure out things here.Thanks.