34 Year Old
From Covington, TN·
Invited by: ArmyMan1987·
Joined on April 23, 2009
Relationship status: Married
Born on April 20th
1 person has a crush on me!
34 Year Old
From Covington, TN·
Invited by: ArmyMan1987·
Joined on April 23, 2009
Relationship status: Married
Born on April 20th
1 person has a crush on me!
34 Year Old
From Covington, TN·
Invited by: ArmyMan1987·
Joined on April 23, 2009
Relationship status: Married
Born on April 20th
1 person has a crush on me!
Latest Status
Noah Jaces Mommy is really bored.... can't wait to get to my moms..
I never put much stock into any of this ever but I was once on TV on ashow then a few years later I was in a news paper for the town I livedin now I've reach internet fame! I got a question posted on the frontpage of a popular gaming news site!Check it out!http://www.destructoid.com/doom-ii-xbox-live-arcade-still-in-the-cards--168686.phtmlI'm famous lol.If you don't know the greatest game ever made called Doom 2 is that is for shame!!!
Today is love u day. Send to everyone you love. Whether it s real love or friend love. Ur spoiled if you get 4 back.Did Anyone Ever Tell YouHow Important You Make Others FeelSomebody out here is SmilingAbout Love that is so RealDid Anyone Ever Tell You thatMany Times When They were SadYour E-mail (and chats) made Them Smile a bitIn Fact It made Them GladFor the Time You Spend Sending ThingsAnd Sharing whatever You FindThere are No Words to Thank YouDid Anyone Ever Tell YouJust How Much They Love YouWell, My Dearest FriendToday I am Telling YouI HOPE I GET THIS BACKI believe that without a specialfriend you are missing out on a lot