34 Year Old
From Sandy Creek, NY·
Invited by: 841116·
Joined on April 17, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on July 4th
I am 19 going on 20 in july. my x wrecked my car (peace of shit any ways) i work for family business (hate it) looking for a new set of wheels (cant find any cheap) i love snowboarding (havent been in three years) love my dirt bike when i get to ride it(at my x's still) hunting is my game (no one to bother me) fishing is the relaxing time (till i get pushed out of the boat) ice fishing is the shit (dont get wet till you fall through to your balls lol)drinking is okey but gas or the toys is better smoking ciggarets ill regret in future years (damn kids will want to try them) ah fuck it im me and thats all there is and im redneck and dont plan to change so people can deal with it.
34 Year Old
From Sandy Creek, NY·
Invited by: 841116·
Joined on April 17, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on July 4th
Video Games
Grand theft auto 4 on x box 360 or rock band
Latest Status
chris trying not to make my x girlgriends x boyfriend go insane