43 Year Old
From Colorado Springs, CO·
Joined on March 27, 2009
Born on July 28th
Ok who am I and what do I do? Well there are two things you should know.
First I am an active duty member of the U.S. Army. I am ranked Sergeant currently, but I'm looking at perhaps becoming an officer (more money!) but I haven't decided yet for sure. I have been deployed twice to Iraq and I am currently stationed at Fort Carson.
However to me my army life is far less important than my musical life. I am trying to become a recording artist all by myself. I have a studio of my own and I write/record two main kinds of music: trance/techno and hard rock/metal. These genres may seem very different (well they are) but I have a lot of fun writing both kinds. Right now I am working on a dance music CD but I need to record some more songs before I'm done. I also make beats and background music for other people in all genres, from rock to pop to country to hip-hop. I listen to a variety of music to get ideas for writing my own.
43 Year Old
From Colorado Springs, CO·
Joined on March 27, 2009
Born on July 28th
Latest Status
DarKeiss Elton John rocks! I hope I'm that awesome at 6