51 Year Old
From Greenville, SC·
Invited by: 1062276·
Joined on March 22, 2009
Relationship status: Married
Born on May 18th
I have a crush on someone!
51 Year Old
From Greenville, SC·
Invited by: 1062276·
Joined on March 22, 2009
Relationship status: Married
Born on May 18th
I have a crush on someone!
Show this wonderful lady some love
Im in a Summer Auction click pic to add your bid thanks everyone
im just a nice guy out to make friends.i am honest and sincere.i know what your thinking that guys like me don't exist but we do.Probably hard to find a nice guy who just wants to be friends but we exist.I like helping people on here,i buy drinks if your low, rate all your pics to help you level,or send you a hug if your having a bad day.So give me a chance you wont regret it.So there is no confusion i am married and have three little girls
51 Year Old
From Greenville, SC·
Invited by: 1062276·
Joined on March 22, 2009
Relationship status: Married
Born on May 18th
I have a crush on someone!
i like all kinds of movies from old disney to action.Theres not to much i wont watch
my idols thats and easy one.Any one who has served in the military.My brother is the biggest one,He has been in the army for about 10 years and did 3 tours over in iraq.i also admire single mothers.My hats off to you.Single mothers go thru so much raising a family by themselves with little or no help.
Latest Status
wildrobert73 Pr... i cant believe someone blocked me of all the crazy people on here
Thanx for the rates :) (h)
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