Joined on March 19, 2009
Born on January 1st
I can't be any more honest here, sure it would be nice to meet someone and live happily ever after, but I kinda doubt that's gonna happen. Too many people are just too dishonest and plastic anymore. Even the ones who say they know exactly what they are after aren't being honest about what they truly desire. So, that being said, until I find a girl who is not afraid to reveal who she really is on the inside, I'm just looking for pretty girls to send me revealing pictures.Really, I'm kidding, if you don't see the humor in this, please don't respond.!(But you can still send me pictures)
Joined on March 19, 2009
Born on January 1st
* Interests: Uncomplicated clothing, Alcohol.
* Favorite Music: The sweet sounds of good lovin'
* Favorite Movies: Ones with naked people.
* Movies I Want to See: Ones with naked people..... And me.
* Favorite Books: I like magazines with shiny pages.
* Books I Want to Read: Ones about naked people.
* Favorite Quotes: "OH GOD !, Rico, I've never had it any better, now I know what heaven must be like! I'm going to share you with all of my girlfriends so they can be as happy as I am right now!"
* Favorite Foods: Whipped cream, strawberries, champagne, Chocolate, and a pizza for later when she's asleep.
* Favorite Places: Pretty much anyplace on a girls body!
* Places I Want to Visit: Other girls bodies.
* Anything Else: I also enjoy; long walks on the beach, holding hands, and snuggling.