61 Year Old
Joined on March 10, 2009
Born on May 1st
I am a country boy from Soso Mississippi. (really no shit)I am a former Marine. I have nothing but respect and love for all of our men and women serving us now. I love being outside. Father of 3 daughters who think there ole man is really old. I love our country but believe our government has lost it's $%#^*@G mind. Term limits may be the answer. The problem is with lifetime politicians in DC serving in Senate or House for 20 or 30 years, if 8 is enough for president it should be good for all elected politicians. Incumbents go home!I love meeting new people and learning to understand their points of view. I respect everyones right to do and say whatever they please. However bullies and liars are useless and should be dealt with accordingly.
61 Year Old
Joined on March 10, 2009
Born on May 1st