interested in having fun and partying.
Im also interested in other languages.
Although,I dont know any,
I find another accent very exotic.
I also find that Im personally more
attracted to big breasted ladies no than
5' 8" tall.
I'm 6'2" inches tall.
I think that the height I mentioned is the perfect
kissing among other things.
I listen to just about all of kinds except for
To put it this way, if it has good beat and
and I like the way the beat sounds, then it ok.
However a lot of the music now to me is nothing but noise.
I mainly listen to any death metal or rock. Some rap depending on the artist.
Im from the country, but I have been out of it for about
15 years.
I used to listen to nothing but country.
Since then I cant stand it.
To me personally it aint nothing but tear jerking junk.
Why do folks want to cry if they are having a good time?