51 Year Old
Invited by: 2583925·
Joined on February 19, 2009
Relationship status: Engaged
Born on March 7th
1 person has a crush on me!
51 Year Old
Invited by: 2583925·
Joined on February 19, 2009
Relationship status: Engaged
Born on March 7th
1 person has a crush on me!
51 Year Old
Invited by: 2583925·
Joined on February 19, 2009
Relationship status: Engaged
Born on March 7th
1 person has a crush on me!
Latest Status
whitetigerdolphin Well HELLO everyone... Sorry it's been so long... I'm officially married now ...but sadly my husband is being put on hospice... Acute heart and respiratory failure....Things are as hard it gets... So don't think I have forgotten any of you because I certainly haven't
Monday Note to the Ladies of Fu: Due to The Covid Outbreak" The traditional Kisses under the" Fu" Mistletoe" Have been changed. The Kissing booth has been modified for your protection a Sheet of plexi-glass has been installed between you and I . You just kiss the sheet, the barrier prevents physical contact. Additionally: Antiseptic has been provided and handy wipes for your protection.
As some of you know I'm head of the Santa's Secret Service Naughty Division : Santa Couldn't believe that at least One of You wasn't Bad. I Said No Sir plain as day. Santa thought there was something amiss when There was no Naughty list this year. ( As some of you recall> I admittingly stated to many of you I commited Industrial Espionage by confiscating the Naughty list.) I've been promoted (If riding in a slay drawn by some The Rien"Deer". (Us Guys get it"Deer" that look so good as Venison, but then I digress. )" I'm About to Ride this One Adventure out."!! (I'll keep you posted on the progress of Santa's further investigation"Into the Lost Year of the Naughty List)