49 Year Old
Austin, TX
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Joined on May 8, 2006
Born on March 30th
Intrests: Women, Pop culture, writing, Tequila, Video cameras.
Fave actors whose movies I go out of my way to see and buy: Asia Argento (obvious), Misty Mundae (guilty pleasure), Edward Norton(genius), Phillip Seymour Hoffman(dito), Salma Hayek(lord have mercy), Jessica Alba(Flipper girl no more) Don Cheadle(Boogie Nights, man!), Tarantino(technically a director so all his movies are clustered, but you gotta love him as Mr. Brown with his "Like a Virgin" speech) Martin Scorcese (Three-six mafia 1 Martin 0. Fuck you academy! He deserved a nod for his performance in Shark Tale)
Fave guilty pleasures: Women, Barbacoa tacos, money, Robot Chicken, graphic novels, movies etc.
Movies? All movies! I have Spice World on DVD that gets major rotation. My collection of DVDs are at almost 500. I must have seen 85 percent of them at least 2 times once for the movie, second for the commentary
Other than my mom and maybe my dad
Jesus Christ for trying to instill passion for humanity no matter the person's shortcommings
Hulk Hogan, He taught that if you said your prayers, trained, and ate your vitamins you too can body slam Andre the Giant
Tarantino/Rodriguez, showed Indie films can make money too.
Bill Gates, he stole from others ideas and made BILLIONS!
Chuck Norris. It is said one drop of his sweat can cure cancer.
Rocky Balboa His defeat of Ivan Drago paved the way for the fall of communism
Video Games
I was one of the first generations that adopted the video game revolution. I have seen and bought the best (Atarti, Intellivision, coleco, Nintendo, sega, xbox, playstation) and worst (Jaguar, 3D0, Virtua boy, Game.com, Turbo Graphix, Tapwave).
MFS Comments n Glitters