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47 Year Old · Male · Joined on February 16, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 28th
47 Year Old · Male · Joined on February 16, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 28th

Alot of people don't bother to even fill this out, I was one until I decided to go ahead and shed some light on the situation MY situation which is single and ready to mingle............LOL I've been in relationships before some of them serious and some not so serious but either way still meaningful in their own right. If the right person shall enter into my ciphers then only time will tell what our futures will behold, until then I will focus more on myself to be right and exact in the things I do maintaining at 100% productivity. For when we enter into a relationship is it going to be 50/50 love? Are we going to have to go half on the mortage or the light bill or will it be 100/100 percent love cause financial stability is one of the factors that keep a relationship a float for the simple fact that if money is not an issue then there is more time to focus on other aspects of the relationship. If a person only has a dollar how willing is he/she to give up 50 cents but if they have two dollars then it is more plausable to give up a dollar. I look at life as it is presented before me I analyze what I see, hear, feel and think and then I make my wisest decision. I consider my self to be intelligent, fun to be with I love to laugh and enjoy myself, I'm good to others as well as myself. In order to love someone you have to know yourself and love thy self to ever receive or to give love to someone else. Even throughout all my trials and tribulations I can't look back and be regretful of any of my past choices which some may veiw as mistakes because it is only a mistake if you did not learn anything at all from it and through everything I've done I've definitely have learned things along the way. I still continue to be a student of life as well as a teacher of life. Knowledge is infinate and is to be spread to the righteous minds of those who thirst for it! I live my life spiritually in a religious fashion I've always had my own views on just about everthing never had forced influences on what to believe or not I was giving the power to choose for myself. I love my mother and father for that! I come from greatness and I spawn even greater things! 2678 characters give or take some spaces but I'm done for now anything else I guess we shall have something or should I say someone to talk about. P_E_A_C_E!!!

47 Year Old · Male · Joined on February 16, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 28th

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