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37 Year Old · Male · From Lockport, NY · Joined on May 5, 2006 · Born on January 9th
37 Year Old · Male · From Lockport, NY · Joined on May 5, 2006 · Born on January 9th

hi duuuuuuuudes sorry if your a girl, im mike, my intersets- i love to hang out with kimerz my babe, I AM A THE BIGGEST SLIPKNOT MAGGOT i like listening to metal like slipknot, lacuna coil, chmaria,heaven shall burn, killswitch engage, golfing, high school wrestling,bowling making money which i make lots, i work at a cemetary making 9 an hour, yes i am a gravedigger, so if anyone messes with me or my kim i will bury them six feet under. body {background: ffffff;background-image: url("http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a167/myspacepimper/cradle_of_filth.jpg");background-position: center;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-attachment: fixed;scrollbar-arrow-color:e3e3e3;scrollbar-track-color: ffffff;scrollbar-shadow-color: e3e3e3;scrollbar-face-color: 000000;scrollbar-highlight-color:e3e3e3;scrollbar-darkshadow-color:000000;scrollbar-3dlight-color:ffffff;}table, tr, td {background-color: transparent; border: 0px; padding:2;}table table {border: 0px;}table table table table{border: 0px;}table table table { border: 5px solid; 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37 Year Old · Male · From Lockport, NY · Joined on May 5, 2006 · Born on January 9th
My name is mike, i have a very good personality but i am 100% wierd, just dont piss me off, i can get very evil. my interst are listening to music moslty metal, metal is god, some bands are, cradle of filth, slipknot i am indeed a slipknot maggot, lord gore, lacuna coil and much more, my favorite sport is golf, i also like to skateboard, but my favorite interst is kim my vermillion angel, i lovez her very much.
Cradle Of Fifth - Nymphetamine HTML Provided by: OFFUHUGE.COM
Joey Jorison, dani filth,

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