NOW THAT YOU ARE HERE, THE FUN CAN BEGIN!!WELCOME!From Your Friendly NeighborhoodLadyByrd02AND A FANTASTIC DAY TO YA!! Swing by *If you like* read profile page and enjoy yourself.
Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are Come Dance In The Admirals Arms Where The Crazy and The Wild Come To Play!! Awesome Tunage, Great Friends, And All Around Good Time Click The Pic To Enter NOW HIRING DJ's, PROMO STAFF, & GREETERS
Well, Hi There!You have come to the greatest online function around… *Fubar*So happy you showed!You will have the time of your life here. And if at anytime, you need some help,never hesitate to give a holla!AND A FANTASTIC DAY TO YA!From Your Friendly Neighborhood LadyByrd02