58 Year Old
Joined on February 5, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 3rd
Hey everyone! My name is Heather and I used to have a horrible drug addiction. I contacted Cliffside Malibu after speaking with my mother, loved ones and my closest friends. They all agreed that I should look into a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Program because of my addiction. I would say that I wasn't addicted to alcohol but once I was on a particular drug, the alcohol amplified my buzz so I kept drinking while being high on some of the more hardcore drugs out on the streets today. After I contacted Cliffside Malibu, their trained professional drug counselors suggested that due to the severity of my addiction that i should admit myself into their treatment centers as soon as possible to begin my rehabilitation. Cliffside Malibu treats all kinds of addictions such as: Drug and Alcohol, Cocaine, Heroin, Eating disorders, Gambling addictions, Meth addiction and even prescription drug addiction.
58 Year Old
Joined on February 5, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 3rd
The Cliffside Malibu staff strives to help each individual succeed with their addiction recovery. Personal trainers and a top qualified yoga instructor allows each student to take the first step in the right direction to connect mind, body and spirit. Students are allowed to explore themselves through fitness for the mind and body. Shaping each individual to their personal needs allows them to find their true self and remain drug free for years to come.
After spending some time at Cliffside Malibu I have learned to always look on the positive side of things and not allow negative influences to have an impact on my decisions. I have switched my favorite movies from horror to comedy and action to drama movies. Keeping a positive outlook on life tends to help me through any tough decisions I have to make, branching off and thinking of a funny scene from one of my favorite movies always allows me to make the correct choices.
In the past I used to listen to hard rock, rap and emo music that if the words are listened to all the way through, each song really doesn’t help the general audiences' mind in making the right decisions. Many top rap songs out today are basically based around drugs and alcohol which steers our youth towards negative influences. Even some top 40 songs on the radio mention the use and distribution of drugs, rappers and artists need to change the way the perceive themselves to the public and shape our future with positive influences rather than to 'blame it on the alcohol.'
Honestly, my heroes are the people who care about me the most. My friends and family hold the top spots in my heart however I would not be as happy as I am today and drug-free if the dedicated staff at Cliffside Malibu wearnt there for me. Rehabilitation is not an easy thing nor is it a overnight change, my addictions were particularly severe and I dont think I would be alive today (or I would be in jail) if the highly trained medical and counseling staff at Cliffside Malibu was not there to help me through my addictions.
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Now is the time to take the first step towards a drug free lifestyle. Contact 1-800-501-1988 to speak with a trained drug and alcohol rehabilitation counselor today to diagnose how deep you or your loved one is into addiction. Call anytime, your information will remain confidential. Yes, it is hard sometimes to talk about addiction, submit your information through the contact form to the Cliffside Malibu admissions team.