Joined on January 31, 2009
Born on January 1st
There can never be enough said of the virtues, dangers, the power of a shared laugh. ~Françoise Sagan
I guess this is the motto of my life. I strive to add 7 years to a person's life. Besides being the "funny man", I'm described as a nice guy with a rough exterior, a sarcastic smart-ass, confident but not****, and a "rockstar". I'm also told that I can charm anyone with my blue eyes. I don't know how true this is, but I like the idea of it.
Currently I am working for Gallo Wine, which I'm very passionate about. I work too hard, but that doesn't stop me from playing even harder. On my free time, I enjoy listening to music, the outdoors, and most importantly, my dog. I have a busy life and am always on the go, but that's the lifestyle I crave. I consistently try to meet new people and experienceing new things.
Joined on January 31, 2009
Born on January 1st