34 Year Old
Joined on January 28, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 24th
3 different people have a crush on me!
well the name is Tasha. and thats about all you will know about me. If I wanted you to know where I was from I would have put it up there so don't waste your time asking me cause i'm not going to tell you. i'm not a whore on here so don't bother ask for that kind of shit either cause as soon as you do your blocked. I don't want to be hit on by old men cause if you are an old man and you are hitting on me your ass is blocked also. I like to have REGULAR conversations with people. Try talking dirty to me and guess fucking what...your blocked!! oh yeah and if you wanna try to talk to me that way you'll be getting a visit by Silverfox and you will NOT like it!!!! so basically don't talk dirty......i'm not on here to make a bunch of fucking friends so if i don't like you so what. I don't care what you think of me, i'm not here to impress anyone. oh yeah and if you don't like what this says get the fuck off my page.
""""Pass to all your friends.If u get back 3 ur CUTE!6 ur LOVED! 9 ur HOT. 10 + to die for!___d88888888b_____d888888b__d88?____d88b___d88b____`88b_d8?_________d888b_________`8b_8b_________________________d8_b8__________________d8888b___d888b__d8________________d8?__d8b_d8b__`8b___8ba_____________d8?_____d8b_____`8b____`8da___________8b_______________d8______`Y8b__________d8_____________8b________`8b__________8ba_________ad8__________`88_____88__`8da_____ab8?____________8b___d8_____`Y8___8Y?_____________`b_d?________`8_8?______________`8?__________`8?_______________ ________________$$$________________$$$$$___$$$$$_____$$$_________$$__$$$___$$_$$__$$$_____$$$_______$$$$__$$______$_____$$_____$$$_____$$$$____$$$__________$$______$$____$$$$______$$$________$$___$$$$$$$$________$$$$$$$$______$$$__$$$$_________$$$_____$$__$$$$$$__$$$_____$$$$$$__$$$______$$$_$$$_____________$$__$$___$$$_____________$$$______$$$_$$________________$$_____$$$_____________$$$______$$$$$$$_______________________$$$$$$$$$$______$$$$$$$$$$______$$$$_$$$_____________$$$$______$$$$$$$$$$$_____$$$$$$$$$$$______$$$____$$$____________$$$_______________$$$_____________$$$______$$$_____$$$__________$$$$_______________$$$_____________$$$______$$$_____$$$$__________$$$$___$_________$$$$_$_________$$$$_____$$$________$$$$___$____$$$$____$$$$$_$$$$$$___$$$$$_$$$$$$____$$$___________$$$$$_____$$$$$_____$$$$$$$$________$$