41 Year Old
Joined on May 3, 2006
Born on July 5th
Shalom. I'm a male human. I'm semi-agressive and extremely territorial: You might see me outsde my apartment building marking off my turf. Dudes: DO NOT cross that line or else you might find 100 or so ninja stars in your head or torso.
Some of my favorite things are playing guitar, my dog, and peanut butter. Currently, I'm trying to integrate them into one glorious conglomerate. I have a full set of teeth. I follow nature's harmonic cubic creation principle and I'm probably a ninja. I consider myself a Go-Gurt enthusiast. Kiss me, I'm North Western European Mix (NWEM, as I call it in day-to-day intercourse).
I would also like to mention that I write erotic poetry. My anthology, "Fuckwind," is available on amazon. Check it the fuck out.
41 Year Old
Joined on May 3, 2006
Born on July 5th
I have discovered a great, yet overlooked, delicacy: whale cheese. The problem is that it's very rare since there are fewer than 50 humans left in this hemisphere who are willing to dive for it. See, whales are extremely aggressive and with their powerful jaws and razor-sharp teeth they can bite the head off a milker without even thinking twice. To make matter worse, the whale's nipple is the size of a Geo Prizm.
I've successfully milked a blue whale on several occasions. It was a little touch-and-go there for a while, but totally worth it.
Recently I have taken up hunting large land mammals. I hunt with my bare hands in the nude. Every now and then someone sees me strangling a moose, nude, but they usually leave me THE FUCK ALONE! So, in conclusion, I don't care about gun control. I don't need guns.