37 Year Old
Joined on January 14, 2009
Relationship status: Married
Born on December 1st
IM not tellin you my real name so dont ask.I have a son he is everything to me. I have a girlfriend and im not looking for anyone else. i like to have fun make jokes and play games.
37 Year Old
Joined on January 14, 2009
Relationship status: Married
Born on December 1st
Hii CuTie!! WeLCoMe 2 FuBaR!! iiF u LoVe MeTaL LiiKe ii Do...oR JuST WaNNa MeeT SoMe RaD PeoPLe....CLiiCK THiiS CoMMeNT...ii PRoMiiSe.. U WoN'T Be DiiSSaPoiNTeD....TeLL eM' KaLI SeNT yaH!