Music, TV, Movies, Sports, Cars, Reading, Fashion, Partying, Leadership, Talking, Food, Jack Johnson....hell yes, OAR, DMB, Cake, Sublime, Weezer, Ben Harper, Collective Soul, Foo Fighters, Gorrillaz, Modest Mouse, The Shins, Mraz Black eyed Peas, Kanye West, Outkast, John Legend, Rock, Classic Rock, Hip-Hop, Techno, Reggaeton........And I also have a special place in my heart for Elton John, Neil Diamond and Phil Collins. ESPN, Real World, Cops, Laguna Beach
Godfather, A Bronx Tale, Casino, Goodfellas, Scarface, Dueces Wild, Blues Brothers, Life Aquatic, Wayne's World, Rudy, You've Got Mail, The Jerk, Big Fish, Beverly Hills Cop, City of Angels, 28 Days, Two Weeks Notice, Animal House, Serendipity, Chris Farley, Christopher Walken Kevin Smith Movies, Quintin Trantino movies
Mom and Dad, Chris Farley, Christopher Walken, Johnny Cash, Rat Pack; Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, John Belushi