See,I'm not a stalker, LOL yup that was me at fiesta ole, I wasn't going to bother you when your having family time, it's not the right time to say hi :P
four year old.... girl...huh? I thought girls are supposed to be harder. wow shes not even in school yet time really flies when the get in school.the last 3 or 4 weekends I havn't really got a"day off" just been working on other crap it's kinda nice to get a fun day off every once in a while. I'll probably have to work out there tomorrow :(
my boys are 6 and 7, 18 months apart. got the baby thing over quick lol,....if thats pathetic then I guess I'm going to be tomorrow cause I'm going out to my dads' in the morning
Kindness is good but I seem to be too nice sometimes...nothing much hung out with a buddy and my boys today then we went and watched Death Race at Edwards then did some shopping then came home, so nothing much fun.