36 Year Old
Joined on August 12, 2008
Born on January 21st
I'll get back to you on this... [Take 2]O.K. I'm Brittney if you didnt know.I'm from Hawaii so I can honestly say North Carolina sux from personal experience. Oh and I'm not Mexican! I am Hawaiian. There are more than one ethnicity that have a year around tan. I have no tattoos due to lack of funds. I do have some piercings and waiting to get more. I admit I have a short temper and it sucks.
36 Year Old
Joined on August 12, 2008
Born on January 21st
smoking cigs.blowing things up.traveling.movies.UFC.Beach.Jagermeister.Sarcasm.Txt Msgs. College Football. Halo 3.Sushi.Italian and Hawaiian food.Video Games.Sucker for accents. Haha.I also enjoy a nice pair of slacks.Loud MUSIC!!!Cooking... yes bitches i know how to cook and cook good!Random Information.Movies.Explosions.I Don't Like:Wrong Number Calls/Txt, I am not Monique, you fuckers!X-Boyfriends.Arrogant Assholes.Posers.People calling my phone for other people, it gets annoying...FAST.Sprint the p
killswitch engageall that remainsthe rolling stonesac/dccreammarilyn mansonas i lay dyingunearthnirvanashe wants revengeshadows fallstatic xozzyhatebreedrob zombienonpointkornslipknottriviumbleeding throughoffspringhed pemetallicaatreyusworn enemyalabama thunder pussiesjimi hendrixled zeppelinthe doorsckyflogging mollytenacious dsublimepepperparkway driverise againstiron maiden