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37 Year Old · Female · From San Pablo, CA · Joined on July 28, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 30th
37 Year Old · Female · From San Pablo, CA · Joined on July 28, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 30th

ALl yOU WOULd WANt TOo KNOe ABOUt MEy.... Where do you live: CALiFORNiA Eyes: BROWn Hair: DiFFERANt COLORz D.O.B: APRiL 30,1987 Sign: TAURUs Hight: 5'1" Weight: 175 Religion: WiCCAn Do you drink: yEA Do you smoke: yEA Favorite color: REd Favorite food: SALAd Favorite movie: ANyTHiN GOOd ENOUGh TOo WATCh Favorite band: SiMPLE PLAn Boyfriend: yEA Day or night: DEPENDz Rain or shine: DEPENDz Hot or cold: DEPENDz Do you have tattoos: yEA....7 Do you have piercing's: yEA....11 Do you swim: yEA Do you drive: WHEn i CAn Do you fly: NOoDo you cuss?: FUCKiN HELl yEA Do you use drugs?: yEA....TyLENOl Are you dependable and/or trustworthy?: yEA Do you suffer from depression disorder?: NOo, DONt THiNK SOo If you had a choice about how you wanted to die what would it be?: NOo PAiN Have you ever tried to commit suicide?: yEA Have you ever purposely caused harm to yourself or someone else?: yEA Are you evil?:DEPENDz Do you believe that you can be possesed?: yEA Are you a paranoid person?: DEPENDz Are you a violent person?: DEPENDz Do you take your anger out on other people?: NOo Do you blame other people for your mistakes?: NOo What is your favorite game?: WiLD RUMMy What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?: WHAt ARe BOOkZ? LOl What is your favorite food?: CHiNESe What is your favorite drink?: CUm SHOt, yEP yOU REAd iT RiGHT Are you kinky?: DEPENDz Do you like biting?: yEA Have you ever dyed your hair an unusual color?: NOo Are you hyper active person?: DEPENDz Are you religious?: WiCCAN Do you have any self inflicted scars?: yEA Does pain turn you on?: DEPENDz Do you like meeting new people?: yEA What do you like most about life?: MEi FAMiLy What do you dislike most about life?: PEOPLe WHo DRiNK HATErAiD ALl THe TiME Do you believe in love at first fright?: yEA Have you ever pierced a body part yourself?: yEA Have you been to jail, yet?: NOo, ANd DONt PLAn OOn iT Have you ever vomited while making out?: EEWw NOo Do you own more than two pair of jeans?: yEA Have you ever had to fuck stuff up for no good reason?: yEA Have you ever been fired from your job because of your attitude?: NOo Does the world piss you off?: DEPENDz Day of the week: FRiDAy Favorite ::::::month: APRiL season: SPRiNG holiday: HALLoWEEn shampoo: SUnSiLK conditioner: SUnSiLK number: 14 phrase: GOOd THiNGz COMe TOo THOSe WHo WAiT store: DD'z weather: RAiN restaurant: OUtBACk channel: VH1 OOr COURt Tv hangout: MEi HOUSe OOr THe PARk house color: BEiGE sport to watch: FOOtBALl animal: CHEETAh flower: ROSe OOr LiLi Have you ever:been on a train: yEA been on a plane: i DONt KNOe been in a car accident: yEA caused a car accident: NOo almost burned the house down: yEA smoked: yEA been drunk: HELl yEA been high: yEA broken the law: i DONt KNOe burned a cd : yEA made out: yEA had cyber sex: NOo gotten engaged: yEA had an online relationship: NOo been rejected by a crush: yEA loved: yEA made yourself cry to get out of trouble: yEA cried in public: yEA cried over a movie: yEA fallen asleep in a movie theater: yEA given someone a bath: yEA lost a valuable item: yEA bungee jumped: NOo skied: NOo made a prank call: yEA skipped school: yEA faked sick to get out of school: yEA purchased something that you knew didn't fit: NOo climbed a tree: yEA fallen from a tree: NOo broken a bone: yEA sprained anything: yEA passed out: yEA been to Disney World: yEA been to a theme park :yEA said i love you and meant it : yEA ANyTHiN ELSe JUSt ASk

37 Year Old · Female · From San Pablo, CA · Joined on July 28, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 30th

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