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As far as I know, most of the accepted criteriafor determining whether something is "alive" can also, atleast individually, be applied to non-living things -- it'skind of difficult to say. The main points I can think of atthe moment are: MOTION -- does it seem to move under its own power? Does it movewith some discernible purpose? (Toward food, away from heat, etc) REPRODUCTION -- does it have some way of making more of itself,either through sexual reproduction or by budding or fissioning insome way? CONSUMPTION -- does it eat or drink? Does it take in nutrientsin one way or another in order to survive, grow, and eventuallymultiply? GROWTH -- does the organism develop over time, increase incomplexity, until it reaches a mature stage? STIMULUS RESPONSE -- does the organism respond to externalstimuli, i.e. has a nervous system of some sort to detectexternal conditions? To qualify as a living thing, an organism must in one way oranother meet each of those criteria. After all, crystals growin solution, and take on more material from the surroundingsolution in order to do so, but do not respond neurologicallyif you poke them with a pin. Of course, you don't often seemature Ponderosa pines strolling down Fifth Avenue either, sothe criteria are open to interpretation. Plants move throughgrowth, except in special cases like the Venus flytrap; mostplants follow the sun through a complex system which floods theside of the plant shaded from the sun with water, swelling theshaded side and causing the plant to lean toward the sun. Even when all the criteria are met, it may be difficult todetermine if something is alive or not. Take a virus. It isa strand of either DNA or RNA, and cannot move on its ownpower. Yet when it attaches itself to a receptive host, itinserts itself into the cell and forces the host to make moreof the virus, a clear reproductive plan. It utilizes the host'scellular processes to do so, in a sense taking in "nutrients"in order to survive and multiply. In some cases, exteriorconditions cause the virus to integrate itself into the host DNA,in order to hide until conditions are better to reproduce, showinga response to external stimuli. Is it alive? ("If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours...If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.) ME AT THE BOOM BOOM ROOM IN CHICAGO