Hi Came by to welcome you to Fubar..I stopped by to show your page somelove and rated you a"10"..And Made you a Fan Please feel free to stop by my page and rate me a"10"and fan me too!!..Hope you have a great time on here..Kisses, Donna aka SeXyMoMmA712..
We are looking for promotors and greeters to come and work us if you are intrested please come to the lounge by clicking on the picture and ask for rose or nuts ty
Hiya I RATED U A 10!!!! Come Show us Some luv n support in two of fubars sexiest lounges Forbidden & Cell Block 69 Radio.com THE SEXXIEST PEOPLE ON LIVE CAMS!!! YOU WONT BE DISSAPOINTED I PROMISE :) CLICK ON THE PICS AND GET TO PARTYIN :-D please join you'll be glad once u get there.. enjoy