45 Year Old
From Tucson, AZ·
Joined on July 1, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 18th
Hello guys! My name is Heather! I recently moved back home to Tucson after divorcing my high school sweetheart after 11 long years! I am looking for a single white male in the Tucson area! I love to have a great time! You only get one life so live it up! (but still be responsible enough to pay your bills)LOL!!! I live and work on the east side I have my own place and I own my own car! p.s. dudes with tats and bikes are smoking HOT!!!
45 Year Old
From Tucson, AZ·
Joined on July 1, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 18th
Good Afternoon Heather, I am Jack aka Niteowl: I rated your profile and liked you. I work for Canadian Wildlife Rescue, and here is another rescued creature of the night.Meet Syndi when I first rescued her Here she is as an adult Owl Lovin's~Hugs~Kisses~ Have a Wonderful Tuesday~
Good Afternoon Heather, I am Jack aka Niteowl: I rated your profile and liked you. I work for Canadian Wildlife Rescue, and here is another rescued creature of the night.Me et Syndi when I first rescued her
Here she is as an adult
Ow l Lovin's~Hug s~Kisses~ Have a Wonderful Tuesday~