LeT mE sTarT oFf By SaYiNg My NaMe Is ClArA..iM 21 yEaRs OlD mY fAvOrItE cOlOrS aRe PiNk BlUe AnD bLaCk..I aM a GoOd PeRsOn UnLeSs YoU gEt On My BaD sIdE..iM A rEaLlY oUtGoInG gIrL i LoVe To PlAy SpORtS.. aLsO iM a BiG fAn Of ViDeO gAmEs!!I AlSo LoVe HaNgInG oUt WiTh FrIeNdS aNd FaM.. i LoVe GoInG tO tHe MoViEs ClUbS,bOwLing,PaRtInG aT mY hOuSe(lOl)i AlSo HaVe A sOn WhO iS tWo YrS oLd.. I lOvE hIm So MuCh..He iS My WoRlD wOrDs CaNt ExPrEsS wHaT hE mEaNs To Me AnD ThAtS tHe TrUtH..aNyThInG eLsE yOu WaNt To KnOw GiVe Me A sHoUt..(PeAcE pEoPlE)
38 Year Old
From San Antonio, TX·
Joined on April 24, 2008
Born on August 2nd
·2 referrals joined!
Since you are such an attention craver, you are into wearing the sexiest clothes and going straight for the sexiest person in the room. You like secure people who are genuine and have a good fashion sense.
In bed, you like to get all of the attention, so you need a partner who can worship you for the hottie that you are. You like to dance and strip for your partner and you enjoy buying the sexiest lingere for yourself.
hey momma, just hittin ya up... aint seen ya in a hot minute... do you still get on? This is the first time i got back on fubar in like a year almost...lol, your really the only on i thought to say hi to, well, hit me up, ciao!
Do you know what a birthday is? It's when they set fire to your dessert & stand around laughing and singing while you desperately try to put out the flames. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey stranger....Merry ChristmasYOU'VE BEEN HIT WITH A SNOWBALL-O-LUV!!!______$$____$s_______$_____$______________$________$$$___$$______$$___$$____$________$$____s_$$_____$$$$___$$$___$$$__$$$____$_______$$$___$$__$$$____$$$$$__$$$_$$$$_$$$$$__$$__$___$$$___$$_____$°___$$$$___$$$$$_$$$$$$$$xoxo$$$$$$$$$__$$$$_$$$____$$$____$$$$$__$$$$$$$$______________$$$$$$$$$_$$$___$$$$ss$$$$xoxo$$$________________________$$$xoxo$$$$$$$_s$$$$$$$$$______________________________$$$$$$$$sss_____°$$$$________________________________$$$$$$,ss$$$$$$$____________SPLAT!!!!_____________$$$$$$$$$ss,____$$$$$_________________________________$$$$$$$$$$$$$s__ss$$$$$$_____________XOXO______________$$$$$ssss$__$$$$$$______________________________$$$$$__$ss___s$$$$$$$$___________________________$$$$$$$____ss__$$$$__$$$$$$$$____________________$$$$$__$$$___$$_$$$___$$$__$$$$$$$$___________$$$$$$$$$$$___$$$$$___$$$___$$$$_$$$xoxo$$$$$$$$xoxo$$___$$$$___$$s___$$_____$$$°__$$$_$$$$_$$$$$°__$$_$$$___$$$$___$s_s$______$$°____$$___$$___$$$$___°$__°$$_____$$s_________$______$____$____°$$_________$°______°SEE HOW MANY TIMES YOUR FRIENDS CAN HIT YOU BACK-WITH LOTS OF LUV!!1-4 TIMES...YOU'RE A SNOWFLAKE5-10 TIMES...YOU'RE A SEXY SNOWSTORM10-20 TIMES...YOU'RE A BAD_AZZ BLIZZARD20+ TIMES...YOU'RE A HOTTIE STORM OF THE CENTURY