65 Year Old
Joined on April 11, 2006
Born on May 13th
GAWD I LOVE GOIN-DOWN! I want to make Love, not just have sex! I would like to get serious one day butt...when I've found my other half I'll know it's time! Until then, Wanna Fuck? I mean wild crazy so surprized U wanna tell ur friends FUCK! tear it up FUN! the kind that makes U pant and walk bowlegged for a week! and your head spin! wounderrin where the hell ur at, sex! I'm game! lets dewit!oh by the way! I'm clean shaven all over, well down there anyways! and clean well groomed and most definately d/d free! sex is beautiful and wounderful but not worth diein for! now, A Love is worth diein for! iffin it's returnned!
65 Year Old
Joined on April 11, 2006
Born on May 13th
Movies and computers, Life and hottubin!
I have over 500 I love em all!
My Granddad! my Dad and my MOM most of all she raised me from age 9 with no help!