I'm Jesa. 21 years old. I don't trust people that easy and I'm alot to handle. If you think you can tame me please get in line. I love my family and friends. They play a Huge roll in my life. I love to have fun when I get the time. I like to to be sexy. It's a turn on. I like it when you talk to me dirty. That's a even bigger turn on. Don't be scared to say hello. I wont bite.In My EyesThe eyes lead to the soulAnd boy there are stories behind mineEndless pain, sadness, and disappointmentYet they’re still filled with love and hope.I cope with all that life throws at meAnd if you look in them long enoughYou will see the tunnel to my past.My eyes change colorDepending on my mood, makeup, and what I wearYou can get lost in my eyesYou better bewareAnd if you look long enoughThey will tell you that I am pricelessWanna party with me? Click the pic.