37 Year Old
Invited by: ged·
Joined on March 10, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 4th
·5 referrals joined!
Im Shaun/Nozza Im 20 years old and Im a student at EdgeHill Uni. Spend most of my time in uni, out drinking in Liverpool or away at weekends racing
37 Year Old
Invited by: ged·
Joined on March 10, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 4th
·5 referrals joined!
I love sports although I dont get to play footy and stuff as much as I use to due to lack of free time. I love my online games with mates as well (theres a geek inside all of us!) I spend the weekend away working for my brothers karting team, which is fun as we travel all over the UK. When the weathers better I love to go fishing. And I have the money, going out drinkin in Liverpool is town is a laugh especially dancin like a muppet when pissed =]
My music taste is so varied, good luck finding someone like me!