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43 Year Old · Male · Invited by: 939431 · Joined on February 12, 2008 · Born on November 25th
43 Year Old · Male · Invited by: 939431 · Joined on February 12, 2008 · Born on November 25th

Que la vida iba en serio
uno lo empieza a comprender más tarde
-como todos los jóvenes, yo vine
a llevarme la vida por delante.

Dejar huella quería
y marcharme entre aplausos
-envejecer, morir, era tan sólo
las dimensiones del teatro.

Pero ha pasado el tiempo
y la verdad desagradable asoma:
envejecer, morir,
es el único argumento de la obra.

43 Year Old · Male · Invited by: 939431 · Joined on February 12, 2008 · Born on November 25th
Ese hombre de cabellera dispersa, no es otra cosa que el exhumador de un mundo antes irredento. Ha aprendido, sufriendo fórmulas mágicas que los otros desconocen: conjuros para evocar y recrear las danzas interiores.
Razas sordomudas, perdidas en sus parajes profundos, cobran voz bruscamente y, desde el valle dormido bajo la niebla, ese coral suena iluminando regiones desoladas o magníficas.
Así, hasta que toda la tierra se convierte en eco.
The movie will begin in five moments
The mindless voice announced
All those unseated will await the next show.

We filed slowly, languidly into the hall
The auditorium was vast and silent
As we seated and were darkened, the voice continued.

The program for this evening is not new
You've seen this entertainment through and through
You've seen your birth your life and death
you might recall all of the rest
Did you have a good world when you died?
Enough to base a movie on?

I'm getting out of here
Where are you going?
To the other side of morning
Please don't chase the clouds, pagodas

Her cunt gripped him like a warm, friendly hand.

It's alright, all your friends are here
When can I meet them?
After you've eaten
I'm not hungry
Oh, we meant beaten

Silver stream, silvery scream
Oooooh, impossible concentration.

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Mortal Kombat (2011) Pictures, Images and Photos

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