46 Year Old
Invited by: misanthrope·
Joined on February 8, 2008
Relationship status: Engaged
Born on December 11th
46 Year Old
Invited by: misanthrope·
Joined on February 8, 2008
Relationship status: Engaged
Born on December 11th
Anything scary or funny.
My kids. I love them with all my heart and I look up to them in a way.
Latest Status
Cant Win Em All To be honest I am more like trying to figure my life out anymore. That is the honest truth. I mean things went down hill for so damn long and it seems like now they may be on the right track again but only time will tell.
okay so the bottle of vodka i hold in my hand it really isnt much of a sin.... lmao it is just its my friend atm. it wont let me put it down. so ima drink it till its gone or till my ass hits the floor. hahahhahhahhahhahaha
Well I am a chilling at home trying to get my house cleaned up so that I can just sit back and do nothing at all but relax....Does that seem wrong to anyone else... or is it just me??? lol
Tomorrow I am just going to say fuck it and buy a gallon of vodka Jim or Jack and just stay shitfaced....Aint got much of nothin else to do and my daughter wont be here so it will be only time i can drink and I havent drank in 6 years.... Yay TO THE LIQUOR STORE DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!