Joined on January 30, 2008
Born on April 14th
·4 referrals joined!
1 person has a crush on me!
About me:?? I like long walks on the beach, horseback riding and SHINY THINGS!! LMFAO, just kidding. That sounds like what would be on that eHarmony site. And Hells No, I am not on there! I love to joke around and have fun!
IF I SEE A PIC OF YOU THROWING UP THE DEUCES, EXPECT A SMART ASS COMMENT! The deuces went out back when people stopped saying I'm bringing sexy back! Ever wonder why only teens do it? AND NO I DO NOT SPEAK TEEN!
On On to the check list: 1. I do not want to see you on cam, cyber, your YIM, or cell. 2. Just because I commented on your pics doesnt mean i am trying to hook up with you! 3. I have the best friends on the FU, please r/f/a/c them as well. 4. The comments i leave on your pics are for fun and to make you laugh. Do not take them seriously. 5. If you are on my friends list then you are either a FMF or a Twisted Phucker or I just think you are a kick ass person. 6. I will not go to your website to see more of you! 7. Did you check my friends out? WHY NOT?
I drink and in doing so I became a hasher!! (You may be a hasher and don’t know it yet)
I am into a variety of music such as industrial, techno, trance, jazz, lounge, and metal.
BTW, can you guess I am new to fubar??? hard to believe but, Yes its true. I signed up in Jan 08, while in iraq, however i was only on here 4 maybe 5 times in 08. Thanks to Colonel and Lori....I am now on here a lot. BTW,LORI is one amazing girl and have loved her along time,she will always have a piece of my heart!!xoxo ;)
My high school sweetheart,friend for life and ex-fiancee`, passed away Jan 26th 2009. She died from a heart condition. Her name was Natalie AKA "719Brat". I DO NOT LIKE TALKING ABOUT IT! My personal life is just that PRIVATE! So please dont question me about it.......Laughter & beer are my close friends..... & family is my medicine in life.
My myspace page is: I have maybe a few hundred pictures on there. Mostly me hashing (Drinking)
This is vague but if you want to know more then simply ask.
Joined on January 30, 2008
Born on April 14th
·4 referrals joined!
1 person has a crush on me!
Ah yes the interest, I have few like anyone. My interest includes politics (GOP), not really a McCain fan, however I will never vote for someone who has ZERO experience. Other interests include debating, traveling, and HASHING!!!! Yes I am a hasher. is my local hash group’s site. If you do not know what hashing is then shoot a message over and I will be glad to explain it to you.
I support all of the following!
Flicks, I can not say for sure I have a fav but I do dig a lot of different types.
Latest Status
Mullet Muncher ... Is bored, but halftime is almost over. whats everyone up to tonight?
sorry I've been MIA for a bit... back now- WATCH OUT! LoL