Yeah, so I got an X-ray today and they found you in my heart.The dr. said if I took you out, I would die cuz I could not live without you....Give this heart to every person u care about including me if u care.Try to collect 12. It's not easy.............$$$............$$$.................$........$......$.......$...............$...........$............$..............$......................$..................$..................$.......................$.............$............................$.......$...................................$...................
stopping by to leave u some fu-luv & respect by rating ur page a 10. if u could please stop by & do the same, i'd really appreciate it thanks. if u fan me (when ur level 1) then i will gladly return the luv. here's a friendly tip incase u don't know already ;o) if u rate 9 or less, u are classed as a downrater/hater/loser. nobody likes them on FuBar, a 10 shows respect & fu-luv. u will get bashed if u rate 1-9. so the moral is - even if u don't like what u see, either rate everything 10 to save u grief LOL or just don't rate at all & move along. downrating isn't a good way to make friends, but great way to make enemies LOL people who fan u want to be fanned back in return. rating peoples profiles & pics, making friends, fans & leaving comments on pics & profiles all help with points so u can level up & do more things on here. its great if u return what luv people give u so both parties get points. i hope this helps. take care & have a great day ;o)
imikimi - Customize Your World