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54 Year Old · Male · From Blackwood, NJ · Joined on August 2, 2019 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 12th
54 Year Old · Male · From Blackwood, NJ · Joined on August 2, 2019 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 12th

Qeiet and reserved at 1st, a loyal trusting friend, almost to a fault. Once I care about someone I'll do almost anything to help and tend to put my needs aside. A traite that I've recently been made aware isn't so healthy. I get it now but i used to think its what a friend did, but youd be surprised how many aweren't there to recipricate. The very few who have... Can count on me for anything.
Im single, living in South Jersey, originally from here but recently relocated back to regroup and kinda start over, again... Ive made some bad decisions i guess.
When in a relationship, she becomes my favrite person, best friend. I dont wanna do or go anywhere without her. Not one of the guys that find ways to be away. Idk... Thats just how ive always imagined it should be.
I work construction, A roofer by trade, mostly comercial, I had my own business till i fell and busted up my back. Ive been building and framing houses mostly the past 5 years.

54 Year Old · Male · From Blackwood, NJ · Joined on August 2, 2019 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 12th
I play drums, mostly hard rock, ride motorcycles, fish and golf. I dont drink, gave it up years ago. I needed to.
Im into all kinds of things... Just ask
Slayer and Metallica... Since I 1st heard them. KISS since i was really too young. Just about any 80s hair bands; Poison, Motley Crue, Tesla, Cindarella... Never heard a bad power ballad.
Skater/ punk stuff; American hi-fi, Bowling for soup, Sum 42, 30 secs to mars... Just about anything that rocks, Godsmack, Suicidal, Stone sour, In this moment, Volbeat, etc...
Natural born killers, Rob Zombie stuff, anything Quinton Terantino, Wolf of wall street, War dogs, *Interstellar*, almost anything with Mark Wahlberg, Tom Hanks, Leo DiCaprio, DiNero, Pacino, Tom cruise in it. I also like Travolta, Mathew McConaughey, George Clooney. Im a closet Adam Sandler fan, a sucker for his sappy, happy ending love stories, and a horror movie that really scares the crap out of you. There arent too many but 1408 with John Cusak was a good one.
Mostly the people that took the time to teach me my trades, my AA spondor who has passed and at times... My brother
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