41 Year Old
From North Little Rock, AR·
Joined on January 8, 2008
Relationship status: Married
Born on February 20th
1 person has a crush on me!
41 Year Old
From North Little Rock, AR·
Joined on January 8, 2008
Relationship status: Married
Born on February 20th
1 person has a crush on me!
41 Year Old
From North Little Rock, AR·
Joined on January 8, 2008
Relationship status: Married
Born on February 20th
1 person has a crush on me!
Latest Status
missprecious24f WoW I haven't been on here in years but I got a roomate who has sparked my interest in it again!!!
Hey Gorgeous...I just thought I'd take some time and show u some love and let you know how much I'm adoring your pic.please stop by and say what up...peace
I know most people get fancy with these but I have left you an 11 on your page You do not have to return the favor I'm not a point whore like most..lmfao Put I would like to Invite you to My new lounge Ok Well not really new but feels new still..lol Just stop in say Hi if you get time((hugs)) Welcome to Fubar Precious Hope You have a blast